I will share some other things that have happened...
We had a great Thanksgiving. My family wasn't able to travel up this year. My dad had to work on Friday. :o( So we had a small Thanksgiving gathering... the 7 dwellers of the Castello. :o) We did had fun though...
We did what like to do most... be outside and have fun. Look at my Knight! He's still got it!!! YEAH BABY!!!
I love this picture. Can't pinpoint why, but there's something about it. The Warrior says, that G.I. Joe is using the force. LOL! We all thought that was funny.
Love this picture too. LOL! Soaring Amongst The Clouds is trying her hardest and G.I. Joe is just standing there. Love the way her hair looks. I really wish I could see her face. She's so expressive.
G.I. Joe trying to one up his dad. My Squire has a lot to learn. Some day when he's a dad, he'll see.
The Warrior enjoyed some bb gun target shooting. He's quite good at it too.
I had some fun target shooting also. But I need lots of practice!
Still Waters getting into it too! She rocks in target practice too, but she rocks all the time any way.
Daughter of the King was having fun shooting too, except she was using the camera.
Daughter of the King put down the camera and got in on the fun also.
The Squires like to cook and bake. This was The Warrior's first attempt at making pizza. Daughter of the King was showing him and giving him tips on how to make the best pizza ever...
Let me tell you... it was DELISH!!! Oh, and no, this was not our Thanksgiving dinner. I put this here cause they made the pizza the day before Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving we had our tradition dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, corn and desserts. YUM!
Still Waters is a fair maiden after my own heart. She's clicking away with her camera as her siblings are baking. So here we are, taking a picture of each other. I wonder how hers turned out?! LOL!
We had a great Christmas. Steps, JC & his family came and had Christmas Eve dinner with us. We had our traditional dinner. Pork (my Knight cooked it...and it was FANTABULOUS!), black beans, white rice, yucca, mojo, bread and salad. For dessert we had flan, striped delight and a delicious madarin yellow cake. I made the flan, Still Waters made the striped light and The Warrior made the madarin yellow cake. The food was WONDERFUL and the fellowship was even better. I must confess, that I didn't even get around to taking pictures on Christmas Eve. I can't believe I did that! :o( But below are some pictures I took on Christmas Day...
Daughter of the King was thrilled with the skin or is it decal for her laptop. It's so her. Look at that smile. She's so beautiful inside and out.
Our Fair Maidens and I are big fans of Audrey Hepburn. Earlier this month, our Fair Maidens, our Squires, JC, Steps and I had gone to Downtown Disney. In one of the stores, I found this calendar. I knew Soaring Amongst The Clouds would like it, so I bought it. It wasn't easy keeping it a secret from her.
Our Fair Maidens got their brothers a hat for Christmas. It amazes me how they all know each other. I mean, they really know each other. So they always buy the perfect gift. G.I. Joe and The Warrior loved their gifts.
Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE my Knight? Well, I love him completely and unconditionally. Be still my heart...
G.I. Joe got an acoustic guitar and an amp. He wasn't expecting it. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful he was. We had him open the amp first. Then we told him that the store clerk told us he could us it with any guitar. He proceeded to tell us that the guitars we have can't be hooked up. We apologized and told him we were sorry and that we'd take the amp back. This went on for a little while. After everyone opened their gift and we were getting things cleared up, I went back into my room and brought out his new guitar. He loves it! Notice he's wearing the hat his sisters gave him.
No one would EVER guess that our fair maiden, Still Waters, enjoys watching UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) or MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). She's such a petite young lady and I had the hardest time finding something in her size and a clothing design the fit her style. But I did! She LOVED it!
Soaring Amongst The Clouds got JC the shirt he's wearing. A while ago, the two of them had gone to a near by town to walk through their downtown. In one of the stores, he saw a t-shirt he like, but they didn't have his size. Soaring Amongst The Clouds made a mental note and the search began. LOL! It took quite some time but she found it. The closest store that carried it was one hour away. Well, Christmas morning, he took of the shirt he had been wearing when he got to our Castello and put on the one Soaring Amongst The Clouds got him. Little does he know what a hard time she had finding that shirt for him. JC gave Soaring Amongst The Clouds something that's close to his heart... his chain with a cross. As you can see, she's wearing it.
JC doesn't like to have his picture taken. So I took this one without him knowing. I don't know why he doesn't like his picture taken. He's very photogenic. But he's very modest. Which is kind of rare. A lot of young men now a days are kind of full of themselves. They want the focus to be on them and they only care about what's going with them. JC isn't like that. He's all about others. It's refreshing.
Our children have a tradition they came up with all on their own. On Christmas Eve, they all sleep in the same room. Since we've been living in the Castello, they have always slept in Still Water's room. I love to hear them up there talking and laughing, while I'm downstairs wrapping. Be still my heart...
Abuela (my Knight's mom), came and spent a couple of days with us. She LOVED the digital picture frame we got her. It was my Knight's idea and of course it was a GREAT idea! He uploaded or downloaded which ever way you say it, old and updated pictures. We would find her sitting by the picture frame and looking at it. She would tell us about the pictures she was seeing. It was bitter sweet to watch her.
The day after Christmas, we went to the shooting range. We just had to try out The Warrior's Christmas present. Yep, that's right. He got a 22 caliber rifle and he LOVES it! Everyone got to shoot it...
... and everyone LOVES it too! We also practiced with dad and mom's weapon too. We had a great time. :o)
I must say The Warrior did an EXCELLENT job cleaning his rifle. He really knows how to take care of his weapon. He's been taught well by the master himself, my Knight.
JC gave the Squires a remote control helicopter. It was a HUGE hit! The were flying that thing all over the house. The Warrior decided to land it on the rooftop of one of the building in our Christmas village. He's so imaginative.
While dinner was being cooked, G.I. Joe, The Warrior, Daughter of the King and Steps played some card games. A good time was had by all.
We had a wonderful Christmas. It was a little rocky but God is good.. ALL the time. Praise God for faith... hope... and love.
My Sister's Visit...
The Boss Lady came up with three other friends. They went to the Holy Land Experience. They really enjoyed it. Well her friends decided to go shopping one night. So my sister and my family got together and went to Chili's. I'm 18 months older than her and I've ALWAYS (except during the our first 2 years of our lives) been shorter than her. LOL! So we joke around our big height difference. She calls me her little big sister and I call her my big little sister.
This is very rare... a picture with The Warrior smiling/laughing. The Boss Lady said something in Spanish and when we translated it, The Warrior couldn't help but laugh. I would share what she said, but the humor would be lost in the translation. But let me just say this, my children were shaking their heads in disbelief and laughing. Well, not just my children, but my Knight too. My sister is one of a kind and I love her.
Wow, a family picture. I was about to say, "and we are all smiling", but no. As you can clearly see, The Warrior has his self controlled soldier look on. Even so, I still like this picture. It might look posed, but those smiles aren't posed, they are real.
Ok, Still Waters and Daughter of the King were having wayyyyy too much fun at the expense of Soaring Amongst The Clouds and myself. You see my sister is very vivacious, outgoing, loud, friendly and fun. So when you are around her, you can't help but be caught up in the spirit of things. Anyway, being that we were at Chili's I had a margarita. Being that it was Chili's they have a 2 for 1. Well, Soaring Amongst The Clouds ordered a strawberry mango margarita. I didn't try hers, but mine was good. Anyway, our Fair Maidens were making fun of our "flushed" faces. Soaring Amongst The Clouds and I are light weights. Two is our limit. All I'll say is that we had a FANTABULOUS evening! It was great seeing my sister again.
G.I. Joe's braces were taken off today!
YEAH!!! He had them on a couple weeks short of 1 year. He did a great job taking care of his teeth. Never broke a bracket! Didn't have to go in for an "emergency" visit or anything! He was a great patient. I'm so proud of him.
He has ALWAYS had a beautiful smile. One can't help but smile back when he smiles at you. He's got such charm and charisma. He reminds me so much of my brother. (sniffle... sniffle...
wiping away a tear)
My Knight bought a punching bag. Boys and their toys! LOL!
There is something about a manly man! Specially my manly Knight! Boys and young men today I find are a little feminized. I don't know, they aren't as manly as they use to be. But my Knight and our Squires sure aren't girlie. Oh, have you heard Brad Paisley's song, I'm Still A Guy? I really like that song.
The Warrior having a little fun with the bag. My Knight is loving every minute of it! Wish you could see the smile on both of their faces, while they were punching that bag. They were having a great time!
Afterward, I noticed The Warriors knuckles were red, scraped up and had started to bleed. My poor Baby! But he loved it! Now I hear all three of my men saying, "We want tougher knuckles, tougher forearms, touched knees..." etc... No girlie hands other than our Fair Maiden's and mine in our Castello. They are so cute! I just love my Knight and our Squires.
Well that's enough catching up for one day. I'll try to get back on track and keep up with more frequent updates...
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