Thursday, August 09, 2007

Raising A Modern Day Knight

I am ALWAYS on the look out for books, articles or tips on child rearing. Through the years I've come across some mighty fine words of wisdom. Not just for my Fair Maidens, but for my Squires too.

Years ago, while I was pregnant with my first little Squire, G.I.Joe, I came across a book called Raising a Modern Day Knight. Well, I liked it so much, I also got the cd, so my Knight could listen to it on his way to work. :o)

It's been a couple of years since I read it. I know it's kinda meant for dads to read, but hey, I'm the mom. I felt that I could learn from this book too. I have to say, that I really enjoyed ready this book back then. It really focuses on dad/son relationships. It talks about how a dad can help guide his son.

Now that my Squires are 13 and 10, I think it's time to pull this book off the shelf, dust it off and give it another read through. I'll also dust off the cd and put it in my Knight's car. Now, if I could only remember where I stored it. :o)

1 comment:

foundingknight said...

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