Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Trip To The Beach

Last night Jewels and I decided to spend the day at the beach today. Never mind that we had thunderstorms all around us last night. We thought it would be worth the trip even if we only spent a couple of hours at the beach. A day at the beach would do us all good.

I guess this is a good time to share a little about Jewels. Her hubby is The Mechanic, he teaches the middle school boys Sunday School class at our church. Jewels plays the keyboard for our Youth on Wednesday nights. She also plays the keyboard or piano during Praise and Worship in church. They have five boys. The oldest is married. The next two are 25 & 22 (I think- I'm having brain fog). Then there is Steps who is 16 and One With Nature who is 11. Jewels and I get along wonderfully. We seem to be kindred spirits. I enjoy spending time with her.

We were on the road by 9:30a. Being that our Caboose only sits five (comfortably), my two boys went along with Jewels and her two boys. While my girls rode with me. We had a wonderful time. We couldn't have asked for better weather.

I have a hard time getting pictures of my children. I consider them to be a little uncooperative. But in their defense, I can be a little demanding. I'm constantly snapping pictures. So, I take what I can get. In the back row we have Still Waters, Daughter of the King and G.I. Joe. The Warrior is the one with his face turned to the side. That pose is called, The Logan Pose. It's named after a young man who was in Still Waters' World Changer work crew. Every time he pose for a picture, that's the way he would pose. So, our youngest has decided to do the same. Up front in the middle is, One With Nature and next to him is his brother, Steps.

I just can't get over Still Waters' new haircut. It really looks so cute on her. Now if I could only get her to "look" at me when I'm taking a picture.

Daughter of the King looks sooooooo happy. I wonder what she's thinking?

In this picture, G.I. Joe looks so much like my brother. Be still my heart...

The Warrior and his classic look. I think I need to get myself a HUGE zoom lens. That way, they don't know, I'm taking a picture. They'll be happy and most important... I'll be happy.

One With Nature giving The Warrior a ride. They all had a great time riding the waves.

Still Waters taking a picture of Lady G~.... me.

My friend Jewels with two of her boys. We were packing up to leave. The sky started getting dark. A storm was brewing.

Jewels and I had a great time. We just sat under the umbrella and talked. We watched our children play and just enjoyed the scenery. Every once in a while I got up and took pictures, but mostly, we just sat and enjoyed each other's company.

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